Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The things that go wrong when they aren't around.

As I said earlier the hubby is off training in the field for 6 days. Today is day 2 and well of course wouldn't you know something went wrong. Isn't this always the case? When they leave and you aren't able to call or get in touch with them. It seems that way for me anyways! So anyways I woke up this morning freezing my butt off. Yep, the heater has stopped working. It wont kick on. AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!  I called the realtor and waiting to hear from the heating company. I am praying that they will come today otherwise I will be freezing again in the middle of night. Even though its going to be close to 70 degrees today doesn't mean it stays that nice at night. It still gets pretty cold at night. The thermostat has only got 1 degree warmer since I got up and checked it at 7 am this morning. At 7 am it was 55 degrees right now at 10 am its 56 degrees. Ooo what a start to my day. I hope the rest of the week will be better and also hope this isnt how deployment will be!

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