Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vent session here we go!

First off I am just going to go off. I am so tired of my neighbors. We live in a cul-de-sac. The house I guess you would say to the left of us if you are looking at the house. They control their dogs I like them! But the ones to the left of them AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I am so flipping tired of them letting their dogs lose and not controlling them. Like are you freakin kidding me. They just let their dog come running up to my door and into my garage. They let them use my front lawn as a bathroom. And no worries they just call for their dog and of course they don't go. ONE MORE TIME I swear to god I will just let my dog go over to your house and bug the crap out of you. Let my dog use your yard as a bathroom and not care. I'll just pretend I don't see her. This is such annoying thing to me right now. I know its really not a big deal but idk something just set me off.
Another thing today with the stupid neighbor dogs. Was my friend Cassie had dropped me off and was backing out to leave. The dog just ran over and smelt her tire. She couldnt even go anywhere for like 5 minutes because once again the neighbor could of cared less. I guess I can give him a little credit he called for the dog BUT COME ON!!!! Just freaking go get him you dumbbutt! UGH!

Ok Vent Session over! Sorry!

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