Thursday, March 31, 2011

vent session!

I don't even know where to start. As I have said in previous post that the hubby is getting ready to deploy. I know I cant say too much so I am going to try to vent with in reason of the "rules"

OK I really my mind is so over the place someone please help me figure out where to start. Should I really even be kind of worked up about it. I feel like I shouldn't be. But I am so here I go......

This deployment crap has been the worse run around ever. One day they are going here and doing this the next week they are no longer going there and not doing what they were going to do. They are being trained for stuff other then what they usually do. It sounds like they will be doing MP (Military Police) work when HELLO they are not MP's! If you need people over there to do so called "MP" work send MP's! They have been trained for that not the people who never have been. I don't really know. I know that my husband is worried some for the fact they aren't being told anything. I think he would feel better if he knew what was going to be happening. He would feel better knowing that he is getting the right training, in which, he doesn't know because they haven't been told what they will be doing or where they are going.

Like I guess I can't really vent in this post because like I have said a million times my wind is all over the place. I am not having complete thoughts. Ugh...I don't even want to post this but I am going to.

Sorry this is all over the place and probably makes no sense what so ever.

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