Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Recipe hunt!

Yep the title says it all!

I am on the hunt for some new recipes! I am looking up recipes instead of doing my cleaning. (Whoops)
Anyways the reason I am on this hunt is pretty obvious. I am so over making the same dishes time after time. So I am this hunt to find some new tastey meals to make for the hubby and I. Oh and to also make when we have guest over.
This hunt can sure be hard. Why you might ask? Because I have one of the pickest husbands ever! There are so many recipes out there "I" want to try but by the time I take everything out that the husband doesn't like there is no point. Don't get me wrong the hubby sometimes has to deal. Like if the recipe calls for tomatoes I will either just put them in there and he can pick them out or I'll be the nice wife and only put them on half of it. When I do make him deal I will of course get the comments like "this would be better if this or that wasn't in here." Most of the time I just tell him to deal or go make something for himself then! lol
I have found a total of 5 new recipes and I can't wait to try them. I am so glad I started this hunt before I went grocery shopping. This way I will be able to get everything I need to try out these dishes!

If you have any recipes you would like to share I would love to hear from you!

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