Tonight one of my friends out here got to welcome home her soldier from a year long deployment. What a great way to spend the 4th of July, right? So I kept her company today to help pass the time. I also tagged along to the ceremony to take pictures for her! I am so happy for her and all of the other people who got to welcome home their loved ones. However, I never thought I would of felt the way I did today. I should of expected it I suppose. All day I was just so excited for them. In fact once they said they had just came in the gates I was starting to get nervous for them. I of coursed cried for them. I cried mainly because I was so happy for them. I was so happy that Tyler (their son) went right to his daddy. I haven't seen a kid so happy before. It melted my heart. How could it not make you cry?
But once I got to my car it was a different kind of cry, it was a sad cry. Sad because I just said "see you soon." I have a long time till I get that moment. It was just one of those things that hits you in the face and brings you to reality that deep down you miss him more than you ever thought you would. I don't mean to sound like rude, or whatever, I don't know what the right word is for it. I know this is probably selfish of me to feel this way but its how I feel.
Don't get me wrong. They done their time. It was time for them to come home. I am sooooooo Happy for them. I can't even begin to say just how happy I am that they finally made it through their year time.
Tonight pretty much was bittersweet; I am so happy and part of my heart is filled with joy for them. But the other part of my heart broke a little. Because I miss him. But I know soon enough it will be my time to welcome home my Soldier! I can't wait for that!
To all of those who came home tonight and all those who have been coming home through out this month. WELCOME HOME SOLDIERS! WELCOME HOME!
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