Growing up we shared a room....UGH...how we both hated sharing a room! Some might think we would actually be close because we shared a room but that was not the case not even close. Yes, we got along we didnt fight all the time. I am sure in our younger ages we probably didn't fight at all but middle school age and high school age was probably mostly fighting when any words were exchange. We are only 2 years and 1 month apart in age. My mom would always tell both of us that one day we would be close and we wouldnt fight like we did. Well she was right. Even tho we both told her we never would be.
I got married June 2007 and moved to Missouri with the hubby since he was active duty army and stationed out of "Fort Lost in the Woods" (Ft Leonard Wood) But I soon moved back and she had to give up her "OWN" room to share it again with me! The reason I moved home was my husband deployed Oct 8th 2007 (his birthday.)
By this time we started to get along a lot better but still not as close as most sisters are. We still never ran to each other to tell each other everything. I know both of us probably wanted this and today its finally getting to be that way.
I wish we would have been at that point in time. She had a shitty ass boyfriend at the time who was just worthless and well I have tons of more hate words but lets just say he was a piece of shit! Anyways because of this guy my sister made decisions that could of taken her life....(THANK GOD IT DIDNT) She came home one night crying but I believe I was half asleep when she came in to our bedroom. I had asked her if she was alright and she had said yea....She wouldnt say anymore. Finally one of my good guy friends from highschool (ok so maybe we did have some of the same friends) had text me and told me what was going on and I am so thankful for that. So we got everything worked out and I think from that point on we started to become closer. I dont know what I would do without my sister. She is one of my best friends ever!
I know I can tell her anything and everything and she doesnt care because she is my sister even tho there is one thing she likes to lecture me bout and that would be money. OOO god! how that drives me nuts lol because I already know everything she is saying. But she has always been the little saver out of the three of us kids.
My sister had no idea how much I LOVE HER! and how much she MEANS TO ME! I just want to thank her for always being there no matter what even when we were/are fighting! She would do anything for me and I would do anything for! Shes my best friend and I couldnt ask for a better one! She also has no idea how much I miss her every single day since she is in Iowa and I am in Colorado now. I LOVE YOU Boo-Boo!
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