Sunday, January 30, 2011
Busy Busy
So lately I have been busy with packing up this house. I have packed everything by myself. I am must say I am pretty proud of myself. I still have some left but I am getting there and hopefully we can move this coming weekend! Keeping our fingers crossed that for sure! =)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Nothing to wear!
I was having a great day...Went for about 3 mile walk this morning since the weather is so great today! Suppose to get up to 61 degrees. Yep I am Loving it! Anyways My great day is no longer such a great day. I have now become so sad well because I have nothing to wear. As I have said before I have gained alot of weight since I got married in 2007. Lately I just been wearin sweats because its the only thing I semi feel comfortable in of if I wear jeans I wear a hooded sweatshirt to cover up all the nastyness. Well today with it being so nice I decided I was going to wear jean and t-shirt......Well pretty much FML! I dont look good in anything I own. Its too warm to wear a sweatshirt and I dont want to wear sweats out today. Sorry this is such a depressing blog. I decided to just blog about it instead of cry bout it. Even though I still want to cry I am not going to. I have been working out trying to make a difference for myself to hopefully be happy again with myself. I just hate how long it takes. I hate that all these people see results so fast and me well I barely lost 2lbs in 2 weeks FML.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
naked addiction
Don't let the title fool you! Its just a drink and its so amazing! I am addicted to them! And its better for me then soad! But cost a little more but I say its worth it! For those of u who haven't tried it what are you waiting for go try one!
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Monday, January 24, 2011
I just have been feeling alone lately. However, I know that I am not, no where near it in fact. I have a Wonderfull husband, Great family, and some pretty great friends too. But for some reason or an other I just have this feeling of loneliness. I am not sure why and I really wish I could shake this! I know it will pass but it would be wonderfull if it would happen like NOW!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The One He Fights For (military girlfriends/spouse tribute)
This video is so great!!!! I love this so much! So I decided to share it with you all! I know its a little odd at first but just sit and watch its great one!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Regis and Kelly vs workout!
Yep I have to wait till Regis and Kelly is over today before I work out because Ashton Kutcher is co-hosting today! He is from my home state of IOWA thats right Rock on Iowa! Anyways I usually work out at 9 am but today I got sucked into watching this so in bout 3 mins I'll be working out! =)
Five Finger Death Punch - Bad Company
This band got to spend time with the soldiers to see what they do everyday! I know a lot of people do this! But I just think its sweet they made it there video! =)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Great news!
So we got some GREAT NEWS!!!!!! We got the house we wanted! Whoo hoooo I am so excited!!!! I guess it was ment to be =) I will have to upload some picture of our new place once we get to move in! The house is in the area we wanted which is so great! It is smaller then the one we are in now. The one we are in now is plenty big enough for the hubby and I. The house we are in is a little over 2,000 sq ft. with a one stall garage and is four bed rooms two and half bathrooms. With a living and family room. A great kitchen and dining area. We have a nice size yard thats fenced but the landscape is all ROCK and no GRASS at all...Ugh I want some grass dang it! Well I got it with out new home!
Our new home is around 1,600 sq ft. with a two stall garage (oo the hubby is excited bout that) three bedrooms and two and half bathrooms. It has a living room and a nice eat-in kitchen! The backyard is huge and also fenced which is great for Kyleigh (our dog) And we have grass now!!! =)
So I now have started packing up things and hopefully will have as much done as I can before the time comes to move. We should be able to move the first week of Feb. I cant wait already for the process to be over!
Now some quick follow ups:
I worked out today and it felt great I really didnt even want to stop! But maybe because I didnt yesterday. Tomorrow I am going to test out my taebo video I have...I started to do it today after I finished up working out with my wii. But I only did like 5 min and was done. My goal is to do the whole video tomorrow which is 43 mins I think I can do it! With my weight loss I decide I am not going to get on the scale. I know what I weighed when I first started. So I guess after a couple of week then I'll get on to just see where I am at. Its hard for me because I know if I get on that scale its just going to discougar me and I really dont want that! So wishing myself luck! =)
I also made a follow up phone call with Lisa, she was the one I had my phone interview with awhile back. She said they are still in the interview process but should hear from her by the end of the week. So I am sure I'll be calling her again at the start of next week to check again!
Well I just wanted to jump on here quick to update you all. Plus I wanted a break from packing! So I am off to finish packing!
Have a great one =)
Our new home is around 1,600 sq ft. with a two stall garage (oo the hubby is excited bout that) three bedrooms and two and half bathrooms. It has a living room and a nice eat-in kitchen! The backyard is huge and also fenced which is great for Kyleigh (our dog) And we have grass now!!! =)
So I now have started packing up things and hopefully will have as much done as I can before the time comes to move. We should be able to move the first week of Feb. I cant wait already for the process to be over!
Now some quick follow ups:
I worked out today and it felt great I really didnt even want to stop! But maybe because I didnt yesterday. Tomorrow I am going to test out my taebo video I have...I started to do it today after I finished up working out with my wii. But I only did like 5 min and was done. My goal is to do the whole video tomorrow which is 43 mins I think I can do it! With my weight loss I decide I am not going to get on the scale. I know what I weighed when I first started. So I guess after a couple of week then I'll get on to just see where I am at. Its hard for me because I know if I get on that scale its just going to discougar me and I really dont want that! So wishing myself luck! =)
I also made a follow up phone call with Lisa, she was the one I had my phone interview with awhile back. She said they are still in the interview process but should hear from her by the end of the week. So I am sure I'll be calling her again at the start of next week to check again!
Well I just wanted to jump on here quick to update you all. Plus I wanted a break from packing! So I am off to finish packing!
Have a great one =)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Earn some Cash!
Ok so I have found this great website called Inbox dollars and you earn cash for reading e-mails, taking surveys, shopping online, searching the web, watching videos and some other things also! I am at almost 50 bucks! You get to resquest a check once you get 30 dollars! Its free it doesnt cost you anything plus you get 5 dollars for just signing it up! I think if you want to earn some extra cash to check it out
*hint you can do all three of the surveys they offer once a day thats 1.50 right there everyday!
*hint you can do all three of the surveys they offer once a day thats 1.50 right there everyday!
Monday, January 17, 2011
What to do...
So there is this house we have had our eye on for bout a week now. Well the people who are currently living there are not getting back to the realtor so they can set up showings. Today I called again to find out if they have heard back and of course they havent. But I then find out that just today they have had 12 people wanting to look at it...AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now what just put in the application so we are the first ones even tho we havent seen the inside of it besides pictures? We dont know what to do. I want this house so bad like it needs to be mine! But then again when I think bout it if we dont get this home then I guess we werent suppose to have it right? Sometimes I hate that I am such a strong believer in "everything happens for reason" becasue right now there is no good reason for us to not have this house hahahaha....But I guess we will see how this goes and I'll start to look into other places :sigh:
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Road rage!!!
So we are driving on I-25 and my husband is driving. Well even when he is driving I have the worst road rage. I will try to keep this clean but some stupid person is front of us found the need to slam on the braks ummm because I guess they thought we were on their ass. (If I was driving then we would of been) I gave them the motion to get in the other lane.I then get the finger so I gave it right back. My husband gets all butt hurt and tells me to clam down because all I am going to do it piss them off haha whatever. Anyways this was my little vent session real quick!
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25 Random Things About Me!
Yes, I made this =) |
1.I am Very Random I think of Random things out of no where
2. I am fascinated with the Amish and how they Live!!!
3.I love doing Crafty things
4. I like just driving around to see if I can get lost so I can find my way back. That way if I end up where I got lost at I will know where I am at how to get back!
5. I am very Nosey I love knowing whats going on especially when it deals with the Police!
6. I used to Never wear sweatpants But since I got married they are one of my Favorite things! lol
7.I daydream alot
8. My husband Is my Whole LIFE!!!
9.I say how I feel and When I am mad I tend to say the first thing that comes out of my mouth (not usually a good thing)
10. My Family Is the Most important thing to me and yes that does include the friends who are family!
11. I have more the one Best Friend
12. I Want A lot of things but who doesnt!
13. I now live in a Colorado Springs never thought I would Live in BIG CITY! But I love it!
14. I Talk to my mom everyday or every other!
15. I am more of daddy's girl now than I ever have been
16. I want to get certified in Floral Design
17. I want 2 kids!
18. I am so affarid of going off into water while in a vehicle
19. I love Iowa Hawkeye Football!
2. I am fascinated with the Amish and how they Live!!!
3.I love doing Crafty things
4. I like just driving around to see if I can get lost so I can find my way back. That way if I end up where I got lost at I will know where I am at how to get back!
5. I am very Nosey I love knowing whats going on especially when it deals with the Police!
6. I used to Never wear sweatpants But since I got married they are one of my Favorite things! lol
7.I daydream alot
8. My husband Is my Whole LIFE!!!
9.I say how I feel and When I am mad I tend to say the first thing that comes out of my mouth (not usually a good thing)
10. My Family Is the Most important thing to me and yes that does include the friends who are family!
11. I have more the one Best Friend
12. I Want A lot of things but who doesnt!
13. I now live in a Colorado Springs never thought I would Live in BIG CITY! But I love it!
14. I Talk to my mom everyday or every other!
15. I am more of daddy's girl now than I ever have been
16. I want to get certified in Floral Design
17. I want 2 kids!
18. I am so affarid of going off into water while in a vehicle
19. I love Iowa Hawkeye Football!
![]() |
I made this for my Bestie Leslie and I |
20. I Love listening to my music Loud!
21. COKE with LEMON is my Favortie Drink!
22. I have some Bad Road Rage where I just want to ram into people with my Car!
23 I Could Spend all my money in Yankee, Coach, Victoria Secret, Michaels, and Hallmark!
21. COKE with LEMON is my Favortie Drink!
22. I have some Bad Road Rage where I just want to ram into people with my Car!
23 I Could Spend all my money in Yankee, Coach, Victoria Secret, Michaels, and Hallmark!
24. I used to want to be the first lady to drive NASCAR( however this past season there was a girl driving and WHOO HOOO for her)
25. I am a huge supporter of breast cancer!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Ok so somtimes I get a little bored....what do you all do when u get bored?
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Friday, January 14, 2011
Time...Yes it sure does Fly!
Everything I have been thinking bout it just doesnt seem real. In 2 month yes only 2 month my favortie lil man Tyler will be turning 2 like really there is just no way this is possbile. Like I swear it was just the other day that we were helping celebrate his 1st birthday! Like really? its been almost a year? no way!!!! Also Tyler's daddy (Justin) has been gone for almost 6 months now (It seems like we just said "see you soon") and I am so happy for them that they are finally halfway done! Justin will also be back in 2 months for his R&R to celebrate his son's 2nd birthday with him and awwww I am so happy for them! =)
I really am in such aw of how fast this past year has come and gone. This time last year we were getting ready to move out here to Colorado from Missouri. I still cant believe we have been out for almost a year now. Like really where does this time go? Its times like this when I sit back and realize I need to slow down to take time to appericate all the small things life is throwing at me!
I really am in such aw of how fast this past year has come and gone. This time last year we were getting ready to move out here to Colorado from Missouri. I still cant believe we have been out for almost a year now. Like really where does this time go? Its times like this when I sit back and realize I need to slow down to take time to appericate all the small things life is throwing at me!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
it was a very nice thursday!
So to start off the day let's just say I failed. I didn't workout today. Yep big time fail for me today but ill get back to it tomorrow hopefully. Ok no hopefully bout it I will do it!
Anyways today I met my husband on his lunch break to look at a house. Overall its a cute home however, I have never seen people live in the way they did. This house I know was no where the worse house but there were stains covering every last inch of the carpert in the living room. In fact the only nice carpert was in the basement you can tell they must of never went down there. The walls well the whole house needs a new paint job. So if they fix everything that needs to be done it could be on the list but until I hear from the relator that they will its now a no go. Plus I have never met a relator who didn't waive the appliction fee for military they said "we treat everyone the same." Ok fine just the first time I ran into that.
After taking the hubby back to work I went to my friends house (Leslie) in which her husband (Justin) is currently deployed and they have son name Tyler yep pretty much consider him my nephew! I love him oooo sooo much and of course I love his parents! They were also stationed at Ft Leonard Wood with us! They are one of our best friends out here and the closet thing to family we have out here well in fact they just mine as well be!
They hubby got promoted today to corporal in which I think is dumb rank because he gains authority but not the pay no thank you lol no but I am proud of him and can't wait till he makes point to catch his SGT! So he wanted to come to Texas Road House! So here we are waiting to eat and I had to write this blog to keep me busy otherwise I become way way too impatient. In fact I was impatient after 5 mins of waiting. So I am glad I had something to keep me busy since we have now been waiting for bout 30mins now so anyday now would be great! =)
I hope you all have a great one =)
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
For My Sister

Growing up we shared a we both hated sharing a room! Some might think we would actually be close because we shared a room but that was not the case not even close. Yes, we got along we didnt fight all the time. I am sure in our younger ages we probably didn't fight at all but middle school age and high school age was probably mostly fighting when any words were exchange. We are only 2 years and 1 month apart in age. My mom would always tell both of us that one day we would be close and we wouldnt fight like we did. Well she was right. Even tho we both told her we never would be.
I got married June 2007 and moved to Missouri with the hubby since he was active duty army and stationed out of "Fort Lost in the Woods" (Ft Leonard Wood) But I soon moved back and she had to give up her "OWN" room to share it again with me! The reason I moved home was my husband deployed Oct 8th 2007 (his birthday.)
By this time we started to get along a lot better but still not as close as most sisters are. We still never ran to each other to tell each other everything. I know both of us probably wanted this and today its finally getting to be that way.
I wish we would have been at that point in time. She had a shitty ass boyfriend at the time who was just worthless and well I have tons of more hate words but lets just say he was a piece of shit! Anyways because of this guy my sister made decisions that could of taken her life....(THANK GOD IT DIDNT) She came home one night crying but I believe I was half asleep when she came in to our bedroom. I had asked her if she was alright and she had said yea....She wouldnt say anymore. Finally one of my good guy friends from highschool (ok so maybe we did have some of the same friends) had text me and told me what was going on and I am so thankful for that. So we got everything worked out and I think from that point on we started to become closer. I dont know what I would do without my sister. She is one of my best friends ever!
I know I can tell her anything and everything and she doesnt care because she is my sister even tho there is one thing she likes to lecture me bout and that would be money. OOO god! how that drives me nuts lol because I already know everything she is saying. But she has always been the little saver out of the three of us kids.
My sister had no idea how much I LOVE HER! and how much she MEANS TO ME! I just want to thank her for always being there no matter what even when we were/are fighting! She would do anything for me and I would do anything for! Shes my best friend and I couldnt ask for a better one! She also has no idea how much I miss her every single day since she is in Iowa and I am in Colorado now. I LOVE YOU Boo-Boo!
ok ok...I'll do it!
So all morning I have been trying to decide if I work out today or not. I woke up and could hardly move from my workout yesterday. In fact I could hardly walk up the stairs this morning. But I have finally decided I am going to go work out! GO ME!!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
This is for us Army wives well any and all Military Wives
This is for those of us who would rather wear dog tags than diamonds.
For those of us who still sleep with stuffed animals, just because he got them for us.
This goes out to those of us who never lets go of her cell phone.
This goes out to those of us whose heart swells with pride every time the national anthem is played.
This goes out to the proud women who stand tall behind a United States soldier.
We sit and we wait, for a letter, for a phone call, and for the lucky ones, a homecoming.
Many people don’t understand this life; they say it’s unfair, they say they couldn’t do it.
Well, here is our response....
Do not tell us you’re sorry, or that you know how we feel.
Don’t try to make us laugh when we’re sad, we don’t want to laugh, we’d rather sit and think about our man.
We may not be “happy” with all of this, but we don’t mind waiting.
To us, it’s an honor.
We are the girls who wake up every morning with a sick feeling in her stomach; we’re the ones who just lay there for a minute to prepare ourselves for the day ahead.
We’re the ones who look forward to going to sleep; because they are with us in our dreams.
We are the ones you see wearing a sweatshirt or t-shirt that is 2 sizes too big just because it’s his.
This is for those of us who’s best friends they have never met; we meet them on myspace or support groups.
They are those only ones who understand.
This goes out to the women who spend holidays alone.
This is for those of us who take pictures to send to our men when we wear a cute outfit or have a good hair day.
We know the real meaning of love, its not cute presents or formal dinners; its hearing his voice, it’s seeing him for the first time in many months.
For those of us that know what a chow hall is, those of us that know terms like head, rack and porthole.
This is for those of us who belong to a United State soldier.
You may see us struggle but you will never see us fall.
We are among the silent ranks; we are the few, the proud, the ones left behind.
We are bonded together by the United States Army.
Our men are brothers, a family of one.
Each one of us have one of the few.
We stand tall and we stand strong.
We stand behind our soldiers through thick and thin.
We are the girls of the United States Army
I did not write this and not sure who did to give credit to.
For those of us who still sleep with stuffed animals, just because he got them for us.
This goes out to those of us who never lets go of her cell phone.
This goes out to those of us whose heart swells with pride every time the national anthem is played.
This goes out to the proud women who stand tall behind a United States soldier.
We sit and we wait, for a letter, for a phone call, and for the lucky ones, a homecoming.
Many people don’t understand this life; they say it’s unfair, they say they couldn’t do it.
Well, here is our response....
Do not tell us you’re sorry, or that you know how we feel.
Don’t try to make us laugh when we’re sad, we don’t want to laugh, we’d rather sit and think about our man.
We may not be “happy” with all of this, but we don’t mind waiting.
To us, it’s an honor.
We are the girls who wake up every morning with a sick feeling in her stomach; we’re the ones who just lay there for a minute to prepare ourselves for the day ahead.
We’re the ones who look forward to going to sleep; because they are with us in our dreams.
We are the ones you see wearing a sweatshirt or t-shirt that is 2 sizes too big just because it’s his.
This is for those of us who’s best friends they have never met; we meet them on myspace or support groups.
They are those only ones who understand.
This goes out to the women who spend holidays alone.
This is for those of us who take pictures to send to our men when we wear a cute outfit or have a good hair day.
We know the real meaning of love, its not cute presents or formal dinners; its hearing his voice, it’s seeing him for the first time in many months.
For those of us that know what a chow hall is, those of us that know terms like head, rack and porthole.
This is for those of us who belong to a United State soldier.
You may see us struggle but you will never see us fall.
We are among the silent ranks; we are the few, the proud, the ones left behind.
We are bonded together by the United States Army.
Our men are brothers, a family of one.
Each one of us have one of the few.
We stand tall and we stand strong.
We stand behind our soldiers through thick and thin.
We are the girls of the United States Army
I did not write this and not sure who did to give credit to.
my husband thought I was crazy
So my husband gets home from work tonight walks in the door and says "what the hell." I say what....he then went on to ask bout the HUGE box in the living room and the glasses all over the coffee table. I told him I was starting to pack some of the stuff we dont use so I dont have as much to do when we move. He said we dont even have a place to live yet. I said this I know but its the middle of the month already and us moving is going to be here before you know it.We are on the house hunt here in Colorado Springs. We are looking to move closer to post since right now we live 20 miles away. Plus we want to move to the other side of post since he works on that side. So we are looking to move to the town of Fountain which is outside gate 20 (this is the gate he goes in everyday) Well our landlord who has been so great! Has agreed that if we found a place that we could move at the end of this month the start of feb. They also told us we could stay as long as we needed till we found a place! What great people they are! I am so thankful for a great landlords! =)
I am calling on this house I found to rent tomorrow and hoping it will all work out! Praying it will work out!
I am calling on this house I found to rent tomorrow and hoping it will all work out! Praying it will work out!
Workout this AM
OMG is all I have to say....I did my Wii Active today instead of my Elliptical...and even tho I only did about 15 mins of it I am sweating like its my job. I was planning on doing the full 40 mins but yea I stopped at 15 mins because I had to run to the bathroom because well I thought I was going to throw up and then thought I was going to pass out...I finished out the exercise I was one and just called it a day.Maybe I should of have contuined most likely yes I should of....but I started feeling like that again so that was it for me today. The hubby told me to take it slow since its only day 2 of working out again. Maybe I should listen. My thinking was I'll do the Elliptical Mon, Wen, and Fridays and the Wii Tues and Thurs.
Well on a better note I have a phone interview at 11:30 today with this before and after school program where I get to work with school aged kids I am pretty excited bout it and hope it works out for me! Because it just seems like the perfect thing right now. I stopped going to school as I have mentioned before because I dont know what I want to do when I grow up. However, I am certain that I want to be MOMMY!!! I can't wait to be a MOMMY but with the time we are trying to reduce some major debt before we have a kid. So what better to work with kids all day! I think it would be a blast! =) this is the good thing out of the day.
Another not so good thing for the day is yesterday my eye became "blood shot" woke up and my eye still is. It also has some pain so I am going to see if I can get into the doctor today just to make sure its not PINK EYE...Ooo lord please dont be!
I need to go make that phone call to tricare to see if they can get me in and then go shower so i can leave and park some where...where i'll have great service for this phone interview since we have the worst service in our house. I hope you all have a great day! =)
Well on a better note I have a phone interview at 11:30 today with this before and after school program where I get to work with school aged kids I am pretty excited bout it and hope it works out for me! Because it just seems like the perfect thing right now. I stopped going to school as I have mentioned before because I dont know what I want to do when I grow up. However, I am certain that I want to be MOMMY!!! I can't wait to be a MOMMY but with the time we are trying to reduce some major debt before we have a kid. So what better to work with kids all day! I think it would be a blast! =) this is the good thing out of the day.
Another not so good thing for the day is yesterday my eye became "blood shot" woke up and my eye still is. It also has some pain so I am going to see if I can get into the doctor today just to make sure its not PINK EYE...Ooo lord please dont be!
I need to go make that phone call to tricare to see if they can get me in and then go shower so i can leave and park some where...where i'll have great service for this phone interview since we have the worst service in our house. I hope you all have a great day! =)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Ok so I know many people made their new years resolution to workout more. I how ever did not make this my resolution but have decided I need to get back to it. There are many reasons I want too I hope I can just stick with it. I am really bad about doing it for a week or two and sometimes even for a month but then I stop....I havent really figured out why......MMMMM so this time I will Stick with it I WANT TO stick with it so we will see how this goal goes.
I did just get done working out I mean it was only for 30 mins but thats a start right? Reasons I want to work out is I found out I was insulin resistance but not diabetic nor pre diabetic. I have been put on meds to help control this.(
I have gained a lot of weight since I got married bout 70 lbs YIKES! So I would like to get that number down. and since we have finally figured out what was going on with my body. This medicine I am on will help me with the weight loss. I have tried many times and would never lose. I was even on weight watchers but I couldnt lose more than 2 lbs in fact thats all I lost the whole 3 months I was on that. Very discouraging. So I am going to have the will power to be happy again with myself. Lets hope the motivation sticks around! =)
I did just get done working out I mean it was only for 30 mins but thats a start right? Reasons I want to work out is I found out I was insulin resistance but not diabetic nor pre diabetic. I have been put on meds to help control this.(
I have gained a lot of weight since I got married bout 70 lbs YIKES! So I would like to get that number down. and since we have finally figured out what was going on with my body. This medicine I am on will help me with the weight loss. I have tried many times and would never lose. I was even on weight watchers but I couldnt lose more than 2 lbs in fact thats all I lost the whole 3 months I was on that. Very discouraging. So I am going to have the will power to be happy again with myself. Lets hope the motivation sticks around! =)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
A lot on my mind
So last night we went up to visit our friends the Hacketts (Dereck, Steph, Blake, and Brett) they live up in the greeley/loveland area here in Colorado. They were the first people we met when the husband joined his unit after his training. Dereck got out of the Army after their deployment from 2007-2008 in fact he was suppose to get out before they got deployed but got stopped-loss and had to go.
Anyways back on track here the topic of my husband getting out of the Army came up. I am not sure how I really feel bout this all. There is so much to think bout. I know we have at least 2 year left on this current contract but it just has been on my mind ever since. So here I go....
Maybe I am being selfish here by wanting him to stay in....reasons I guess would be; he will never lose his job which means there will always be a paycheck coming in. I don't have job nor have I really worked since 2007 I mean I had a job here in 2010 for a bout month but still. I have some college education but have stopped attending because I dont know what I want to be when I grow up and instead of racking up student loans I decide to just stop still I know for sure there is something I want to do forever! We have health ins covered by the army and dont have to worry bout that.He will have 7 years in at the end of this contract and I think you already have that many in just finish out your 20 years and get retirment from them.(But thats easy for me to say) I do enjoy this military life-style and think it will be hard to go back to so called "civilian" life. but then again maybe it wont.
Resons for getting out would be he would never have to deploy to a WAR zone again. I will admit that Deployments SUCK if there is anything good out of them its the MONEY (yep sounds greedy I know) and also the strenght it gives our relationships (however this is not always the case for couples) When we do have kids they will always have their daddy home and not away for a year at time in a WAR zone. We can live in place that we want to and have our own HOME!
I also think bout how we want to stay in Colorado and him getting out we would be able to do that but it also causes some worry for the fact we have no one here if we can't make it. Both of our families live in Iowa even though I know they would do anything they could to help us out.
I know we dont have to decide right now and thank god for that. It's just a big decision and kind of a scary one too. I know no matter what I will always support my husband in what ever decision he/we decides. ( He changes his mind like everyday one day he wants to reenlist again the next he wants to get out)
I know that no matter what happens its how our life is suppose to be and I'll keep faith in that. I am a very strong believer in that "Everything happens for a reason." even if that reason at the time doesnt seem like the right one in the end it is and is suppose to be that way!
Anyways back on track here the topic of my husband getting out of the Army came up. I am not sure how I really feel bout this all. There is so much to think bout. I know we have at least 2 year left on this current contract but it just has been on my mind ever since. So here I go....
Maybe I am being selfish here by wanting him to stay in....reasons I guess would be; he will never lose his job which means there will always be a paycheck coming in. I don't have job nor have I really worked since 2007 I mean I had a job here in 2010 for a bout month but still. I have some college education but have stopped attending because I dont know what I want to be when I grow up and instead of racking up student loans I decide to just stop still I know for sure there is something I want to do forever! We have health ins covered by the army and dont have to worry bout that.He will have 7 years in at the end of this contract and I think you already have that many in just finish out your 20 years and get retirment from them.(But thats easy for me to say) I do enjoy this military life-style and think it will be hard to go back to so called "civilian" life. but then again maybe it wont.
Resons for getting out would be he would never have to deploy to a WAR zone again. I will admit that Deployments SUCK if there is anything good out of them its the MONEY (yep sounds greedy I know) and also the strenght it gives our relationships (however this is not always the case for couples) When we do have kids they will always have their daddy home and not away for a year at time in a WAR zone. We can live in place that we want to and have our own HOME!
I also think bout how we want to stay in Colorado and him getting out we would be able to do that but it also causes some worry for the fact we have no one here if we can't make it. Both of our families live in Iowa even though I know they would do anything they could to help us out.
I know we dont have to decide right now and thank god for that. It's just a big decision and kind of a scary one too. I know no matter what I will always support my husband in what ever decision he/we decides. ( He changes his mind like everyday one day he wants to reenlist again the next he wants to get out)
I know that no matter what happens its how our life is suppose to be and I'll keep faith in that. I am a very strong believer in that "Everything happens for a reason." even if that reason at the time doesnt seem like the right one in the end it is and is suppose to be that way!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Good Morning on this Beautiful Sunny Day
Just wanted to say GOOD MORNING everyone. I decided I would jump on and write a quick blog this morning while I wait for breakfast to finish cooking in the oven. I am just thinking bout how much I love waking up to the sun shining every morning! I really cant wait till spring so I can have all the windows open and let all that fresh air in...It is one of my favortie time of years!
I hope you all have a wonderful day! and also I think I am pretty addicted to this already =)
I hope you all have a wonderful day! and also I think I am pretty addicted to this already =)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup...Yum
So here I sit eating my lunch which as the title states is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Anytime I eat this all I can think bout is being a kid. Loving the memories of being carefree and no responsibility was the life! Life was so simply then wasnt it? Sure seems like. Sometime I wonder why I always wanted to grow up so fast. Wish I could go back and just enjoy and not worry bout growing up because really for me life was simple.
Just think about never had to worry bout if you could pay all your bills...if you could afford buying food to put on the table...If you were going to be able to keep your home...if you could afford to put gas in your car...Nope none of that ever crossed my mind. I was worried bout if I could go outside and play and enjoy using my imagination =) Aww the life. I hope whenever we have kids that they will not worry bout growing up so fast and enjoy being a kid!
Well with that all said I suppose I should get out of la la la land finish up my lunch and move on with the day! Have a great one everyone =)
Just think about never had to worry bout if you could pay all your bills...if you could afford buying food to put on the table...If you were going to be able to keep your home...if you could afford to put gas in your car...Nope none of that ever crossed my mind. I was worried bout if I could go outside and play and enjoy using my imagination =) Aww the life. I hope whenever we have kids that they will not worry bout growing up so fast and enjoy being a kid!
Well with that all said I suppose I should get out of la la la land finish up my lunch and move on with the day! Have a great one everyone =)
For Rachie Ann
Rachel is one of my best friends. I never would of thought when I first stood next to her in choir that we would become best friends but man am I so Thankful we did! =) Rachel will be there no matter what for me and this I know! She is one of the most amazing people I have met. She it truly one of the sweetest people I know. Out of all my friends I have ever made she is the one who will be there till the end of time no matter what. I know I can tell here anything without her judging me even if I know she doesnt agree with me she will still always Love me for me! and Thank you for that! Rachel was there from the first day I met my husband and had to make sure he was not going to be a "CREEP" and well Thank god for that too ;) Rachel, I dont think will ever know just how much I appericate her friendship. We may be miles apart but she will be my best friend forever! She is the one I call when I just want to chat bout absoulty nothing. Or when I have to tell her how annoyed I am with dumb drivers out about that day. (Yes, I have some road rage) I could probably write a book on how much I love her but I think she will get it from just little bit ;)
You're not friends because you sit together at lunch, or talk on the phone, or have matching flip flops, or can recite each others wardrobes. You're best friends because when she smiles, a grin forces itself across your face. No matter how mad you are, when she cries, you instantly feel her pain and want to cry with her. when you look her in the eyes, you know there is no one you could ever trust more, regardless of how many broken hearts you've had. thats what it means to be best friends.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hello =)
Hello blog world! This is my very first time blogging! I think I could get addicted to this. First off please dont mind my spelling. I am not the best speller but will try to be correct.
Well lets get started here so you all can get to know me!
My name is Kirstin. I am 22 years young! I was born Oct 3rd. I have a sister (Breana) and a brother (Tyler) My parents are the most amazing parents (Kim and Fred) I could have asked for.
I was raised in a "Small Town" where everyone knew everything bout you even the so called "everything" (I am talking bout the rumors that were spread.) The rumors in a small town can really make life hard but even with all that I am still glad I was raised in a small town with the values I was brought up with.
I got married to my own personal hero on June 9th 2007! He is truly my prince charming. My husband Jeff is active duty in the United States Army! He has been in the Army since July soon to be 5 years. Which brings me to living in a "Big ol World" We have only lived in two different states since he has been in the Army but I am sure there is tons more to come our way!
We have one dog her name is Kyleigh she is 2 years old now and we were told she was a golden retriever/yellow lab mix.....Well she is only 30 pounds so one vet told us they think terrier could be mixed as well. She is are baby for now....We dont currently have kids but its highly talked bout and will have some VERY soon I am sure!
I think for now this is off to a good start I need to head to bed. Goodnight new World! =)
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